Wednesday, June 6, 2012


So recently there seems to be a new buzz word or phrase.  The word is "YOLO" and it means "You Only Live Once."  Now don't get me wrong, I am a fan of facing fears and taking advantage of the time and opportunities that you have.  I've often said that I feel like college students don't take enough advantage of their time and resources and freedom.  Life is meant to be enjoyed and it should be enjoyed.  All that being said though, I have great issues with this new "YOLO" way of life.

As much as I am a fan of fun and spontaneity, I am also a fan of responsibility and maturity.  It is true, you only live once and so you should "live" the life that God has blessed you with.  Stop and smell the roses.  Celebrate life.  All of it.  However you are still responsible for your actions and need to be smart about the things you are doing.

I in no way think that if you attach some buzz word or phrase to the end of a night does it excuse you from making dumb decisions.  Yes, enjoy life.  No, don't make rash and stupid decisions and try to excuse it with some random phrase or word.  People are already looking for ways to shuck responsibility for their own actions and now attaching this one phrase seems to give people enough of a reason. 

A friend and I were discussing this very thing the other night.  We were talking about how if you are going to use the phrase "you only live once" as an excuse to do something, at least make it worthy of that phrase.  You know "let's jump out of a plane..... yolo."  Or "we should move to another country.... yolo."  Make the action worth the phrase you are trying to attach to it, not just use it as an excuse to do something dumb and not take responsibility for it. 

Ok.  I'm done on my soapbox.  Until then......

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