Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I vow to live within the warmth of your heart......

I am a sucker for chick-flicks.  I mean complete and total sucker.  I watch little other than chick flicks.  Which also means that I have seen many chick flicks way more times than is probably beneficial.  But hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, right?

Recently I was on an international flight and had the chance to watch "The Vow."  I've seen this particular chick flick many times and am surprised that I don't actually own it.  So when I saw that it was offered as part of the in-flight entertainment I was more than happy to select it and settle in for a wonderful hour and a half of chick flick bliss.

A few days later I was at a conference and each afternoon we had a small group discussion with ladies.  My group had five ladies and was filled with great depth and vulnerability and intimate conversations throughout the week.  On our last day together we were praying for and encouraging one another.  As I prayed for one of the ladies, the Lord brought back to mind a scene from "The Vow."  It's the scene where they exchange their wedding vows and Rachel McAdams says to Channing Tatum "I vow to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home."

All of a sudden as I prayed for this woman, I realized that this is what God is asking us to do.  He is asking us to live within the warmth of His heart and to always call it home.  Christianity boils down to relationship with God.  That's the whole point.  God sent His Son so that we would be able to have relationship with God for all of eternity.  He desires for us to know Him in such a way that we can live within the warmth of His heart.  To truly know Him and pursue relationship with Him.

In that moment I felt the Lord stirring a challenge in me to make that statement true of my life.  Can I say that the warmth of the Lord's heart is where I live and do I vow to always call it home?  I most certainly want to try and live that way.  What an incredible gift it is to be able to have relationship with God.  Why wouldn't I vow to live within the warmth of His heart?

I had a friend draw this out for me so that I could
hang it in my apartment as a reminder.

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