Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Time to upgrade....

I've known for a while that coming soon I will need to upgrade my computer. I either need to take it in and get new software or just bite the bullet and get a new computer in general. I've had this one now for 5.5yrs and it has been fabulous!! Sadly it is getting to the point that it won't take the newest upgrades and the memory is running low and the cd drive doesn't work, etc. But still I had to get rid of it. It's like my friend!! We've been through three cities and two continents together. I've used it nearly every single day for the last 5.5yrs. And now I'm thinking about getting "rid" of it?? It's like a dog. It becomes part of your family. It becomes a friend and it's sad when the time comes to part ways. But since it is interfering with things now (like Blogger no longer really likes my old version of firefox and won't let me make different paragraphs on here) the time may be near. Have you ever been attached to a computer or car or something else that you hated to get rid of?? Until then......

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