Thursday, November 3, 2016

I Need More Moments

Over a cup of coffee this morning, my friend and I sat and swapped stories of times that we felt we had truly been overwhelmed by the presence and Majesty of God.  It was such an encouraging and convicting conversation.  As we shared and reflected on these times in our lives we both came to the conclusion, "we need more of those moments in our lives."

As we read through the Bible we see time and time again that people encountered God in personal and powerful ways.  We see Moses out and about on his normal shepherding route when he encountered a burning bush that changed his life and relationship with God forever.  We find Hagar running away with her son and she encounters God in such a way that she says "I have now seen the One who sees me."  And then there's Job who spends countless chapters crying out to God and finally in chapter 38 God responds with such a beautiful depiction of who He is.  His response leads Job to say "my ears had heard of you but my eyes have now seen you."

Have you ever had those kind of moments?  The ones that leave you completely in awe of God.  The moments that change your perspective and even perception of who He is.  The moments that you walk away feeling like you know Him a bit better because He took the time to reveal something more of Himself to you.  Have you ever had those kind of moments?

I've had those moments and this morning I was reminded that I need more of them.  I once stood on a cliff and looked at the horizon as God taught me about how vast He is.  I've watched the sunset at the beach as God reminded me that I could spend my life seeking Him and will never run out of things to learn. On a morning jog one time I watched a squirrel gather breakfast as God challenged me to fully trust Him with provision for my life.  I once found myself so overwhelmed by God's presence and faithfulness in a random Wednesday night worship service that all I could do was sob.

I've had those kind of moments that shift and change something inside of me.  The moments that make you say "I've now seen the one who sees me."  The moments that leave you in awe and uttering "my ears had heard of you but my eyes have now seen you."

I've had those kind of moments in my life and I desperately need more of them.    

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